Students transferring into UCNJ from another institution are welcome to apply for the Educational Opportunity Fund Program.
Transfer Students with EOF History
Students with a history of EOF funding from their previous institution will select “EOF Transfer” as the Application Status when they complete the EOF application. In addition to financial documentation to verify continued eligibility, EOF transfer applicants will need to submit an EOF Transfer Form from their previous institution verifying their status as an EOF student.
Transfer Students without EOF History
Students transferring to UCNJ without a history of EOF are welcome to apply to the EOF Program at UCNJ and will select “Current UCNJ Student’ as the Application Status when they complete the EOF Application. Please enter your previous institution information in the EOF Application. An EOF Transfer Form is not required since you do not have a formal history in EOF.
Please note that space and funding for EOF is limited, and the UCNJ EOF Program awards available grants in accordance with grant priority established by the EOF State Regulations.
Students Transferring from the EOF Program at UCNJ
Students transferring from the UCNJ EOF Program to another New Jersey EOF Program can request an EOF Transfer Form by utilizing the link below. If the form should be sent to someone’s attention, please indicate that in your request. Students without a recent history in EOF may need to be contacted for more information in order to ascertain your funding history in EOF.
UCNJ EOF Transfer Contact
For questions regarding transferring to or from the UCNJ EOF Program, please contact:
Samuel Casimir
Director of EOF
Or contact the EOF Office at
(908) 709-7088
Titilola Price
EOF Student Service Specialist
(908) 709-7008